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Saturday, November 20, 2010

update on the mystery on the River!

The paper called and wanted an interview. I had emailed the owners of the message in the botle and we had visited about the story all seemed so romantic and quite amazing!
Seems the two couples , Greg and Kathy and Shar and Mike are still married couples! Not only are they still happily married but true friends to each other.....seems Shar opened a Daycare and babysat all of Kathy and Gregs kids. They bowl every Wednesday night and while Kathy was the maid of honor for Shar at their wedding...they have shared many events over the years.
The two couples have reflected on how long ago that camping trip actually seems and it has refreshed to them just how wonderful a life they have spent together.

They told me about that trip and how it was incredibly keep in mind they were barely in their 20's...and while Kathy said she had gotten a terrible sunburn, she thought she suffered some heat stroke. Then later in the day...they killed a rattlesnake. Seems her husband lost a fishing pole in the river and hours later Mike snagged that very pole on his line and it was miraculously recovered. The final straw came in the middle of the night when Kathy was quite miserable and demanded they pack up the tents and LEAVE!! She remembers that she was NOT popular!
I also quizzed them about us finding another bottle there and we were trying to make out what it may of held...perhaps wine?? Whisky?? or simply maple syrup? Kathy remarked...while they consumed a fair amount of beer...she couldn't remember pancakes! She said, my thoughts were correct though on a little partying by the fire though.
They have Thanked me many many times on reminding them of how fortunate they have been on their friendship and that we took the time to call them on finding that message in the bottle!

So while these last 30 years that little bottle has been weathering storms and mother nature and survived has their friendships and marriages. To me that is the real story!

1 comment:

  1. This is just so cool! You could write a book about it,lol!
