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Friday, February 25, 2011


awful anxious today and pretty sure why!
Could it be week #3 weigh in with our diet coach(starvation expert)!

I have a little anxiety over this I have taken it upon myself and cheated! I broke down and had one spoonful of Peanut Butter and a 1 inch square of cake and that piece of broasted chicken. Also had a rice crispy bar early in the week...can't forget that...daughters favorite you know!

Although my scales tell me I still took off a couple pounds this week. I think all the extra workouts I had outside digging out from the storms and feeding and pitching hay and hauling water through thigh-high snow drifts has helped to eradicate the calories from the slip or two. I have cinched up my buckle on my belt some 3 notches and my waistline has shrunk pretty dramatically. Now for the hard part in melting off my thunderthighs!

Good thing my diet buddy is doing so well, she has been my motivation to stick-with-it!!

I keep telling myself how much better I will feel putting on shorts and enjoying that slimmer me, but the truth is "Having such a good friend doing this with me has been the backup I needed to actually follow through"!! I know she is going through the same torment that I am and I love the fact that she and I are getting healthy and thats what truly counts!!

Now to face our diet coach and get my lashing. Sure hope it isn't the really skinny one we get today...she is just plan tough!!


  1. Deb, A nutritionist I spoke to recently said that is is very important NOT to be too hard on yourself AND to treat yourself occasionally in the process of losing weight. The 'guilt' can be worse for you than the treat!

  2. You didn't cheat...that's just life. Sometimes we need a little treat. You certainly didn't go overboard, you just had a little treat.In my opinion, I think that;s fine. That's why I don't think of it as a diet, I think if It as a lifestyle. Glad you have a buddy to do this with and great job on tightening up belt buckle 3 notches!!!
    Have a great weekend :)

  3. It sounds to me like you're doing a GREAT job!
    I'm glad you treated yourself. Everything in moderation, right? :-)
