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Monday, March 26, 2012

meet Carmel..

my newest little LaMancha doeling.
We picked her up last weekend, along with a gorgeous little Fainter buck, I'll call Louie...

and my 2 new Cross and NOT-Cross baby Holstein/Jersey heifers.  We had a truck load.  I took my Father, who doesn't like to miss out on road trips, and my best buddy, Sharon.  I also had Erin home this last month, so of course she had a blast.  For those who don't know of Erin, she's my 36 yr old daughter.  She was handicapped at birth and has the remarkable ability to process some adult humor but operates at a 4-6 yr old level.  I never get it how she can "Guffaw" at stuff I think is over her head, but doesn't know how to hold a door when your following her into the house with your arms loaded.  Its just Erin..

I'll post photos of the new calves next....they are absolutely the most adorable baby calves I think I've ever seen..
Oh wait, I say that about all newborn calves.   The really special thing about these two though?   I am keeping them forever and ever...
I like that best.


  1. Both adorable! That little Carmel is a cutey patootie times two! Oh my

  2. Congratulations on the new arrivals. You will be busy now! Waiting on more photos...

  3. Fab that you had such a great time with your family and friends Deb. And such a productive trip too. Looking forward to seeing the next batch of pics...
