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Monday, March 12, 2012

Beautiful day to be born!

It reached over 70 on Saturday and it wasn't windy and it was glorious...
and with this one broke the streak of girls I've had lately.  Up until Saturday, all the calves so far have been girls!  I was really hoping Maple would give me that girl that she has NEVER had.   But my odds were getting pretty steep...  Besides, Maple is an older girl now, (around 8 yrs) and she has always had bull calves....ALWAYS!
She is my "Perfect" girl who stands anywhere I might find her and allow me to milk matter what.
Her calves are a perfect size at birth and she raises stocky, heavy boned big strong calves....ALWAYS...
One of her line would be excellent to keep.
Maybe, just maybe, I should consider my second bull?...
We'll see...


  1. Awww...I am glad you calving season id going so well! I love the name Maple..I will have to remember it for a goat one day!

  2. Deb,Maple sounds like an ideal cow. You must be thrilled with all this birthing going on around you....or then again you are probably used to it by now. I am such a city-slicker I'd be beyond myself!! lol
