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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

when babies lose their Mommas....

Last night I opened the gates and the big girls knew exactly what to do....

Now the calves who were on the evening walkabout around the house weren't paying attention to where the Mommas went. They were left behind and the Mommas all headed for the green pastures. I was intending on everyone staying put in the corral until later in June but after burying the Bobcat for the last time....I was fed up and opened the gates.

They came spilling out kicking and running. They stopped for a few minutes on the top of the bluff tasting the short grass on the ridge. When I looked for them this morning, they had easily found the big grass and the babies had it figured out....Keep up or lose your Momma!


  1. It is just beautiful where you are... such lovely skies, pastures and mommas!!!
