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Friday, July 24, 2009

It's about time!

They showed themselves! Only briefly...but long enough that I could go pet and touch and check everyone. Everyone had all their hooves and snouts and tails and ears. Never know what to expect out in this country sometimes!! I hardly recognized my little yearling Jersey from last year too. She is almost as big as my 3 yr olds. It has only been 3 weeks since I have had a close up view and boy do they grow this time of year. They are glossy and fat and very content. I didn't have my fly pour with me when I found them and regret that, as it was a brief encounter last night and then were off again. No sign of them this morning, but at least I was worry free about them for one evening :)


  1. They're so happy out in the green grass that they may never want to be at home again...well, maybe this winter, when the snow is flying and they know there's someone to fed them and a warm shelter from the weather is closer to home.

  2. Yeah....glad you were able to check on them and hopefully you can rest a little easier now!

  3. YAY! You found them! They look great and I bet even better close up... they are happy out in the green grass pastures being wild beasts!
