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Monday, October 15, 2012

I Got this!

Heck, a little cancer the size of a golf ball?  PHEWT!  I go tomorrow to find out the final results the next steps and (positively) the fact that my child woke up at 3:30 AM to hear me snorting so loud it woke the dead.   I am a lucky one, yes indeed.  Neurosurgeons are amazing Drs. and do we Thank the day they were born?  Not near enough, not near enough indeed.  
Today is the start of a new day, year, life and purpose.  Pure Life!
Whatever the day brings be it!   I've had a brilliant, crazy and whirlwind of an adventure and wouldn't trade a day for my children, my family, my BFF and my life.   I got it good...very good indeed!
Here's to my incredible children and my best friends and I gotta say to all those who have taken the time to meditate, pray, worry and travel.   Life is Good people!

Now, what to buy for the next adventure?  I'm wondering now what did those Dr.s do while they were doing the 8hr "AWAKE" brain surgery.  I think they planted some seeds of wisdom, cuzz I feel a whole lot smarter!



  1. I'm here to help open the next chapter and hope I get to be a big part of the next adventure. We all think we're pretty darned blessed to have had you as a part of our lives too! Hung in there and with all the support you have behind you, in front of you, and most importantly beside you, you're headed for a LONG funfilled future....and a whole lot more rock hunting trips!! Love ya to the moon and back buddy!!

  2. Thank God for your healing (plus those doctors that he uses! To me, a golf ball is pretty big!

    1. I agree on the Thanking God! and yes...a golf ball seems a little too big to me too. I'm still in shock, but I'm so Thanking that young man of mine who noticed!

  3. I have obviously missed some post! Sending you good energy girly :O)

    1. I've been sidetracked for awhile this Summer and really should of posted a bit. I need all the energy you have extra girl! Thanks for thinking of me!

  4. So glad to hear you are doing better! You definitely had Mom and I worried when you started with that FB message you sent me! Gonna keep sending prayers!!

    1. Thank you Danielle,
      I've been too busy with a million goofy things that are not as important as my health for sometime now. Best to slow it down and realize "alive" is a good thing. I might want to travel a bit, see some of you guys and get with the program and engage a little. Crazy how we get all wrapped up in all the strangest things. And there I go again, talking like they inserted a little knowledge. Who'ld a thought!
      Love you guys

    2. You are more than welcome to come visit us!!! But first, do some resting, like the docs ordered! ;)

  5. I am so sorry I'm so far behind! Yay! for all our wonderful doctors! What would we do without them? You go, girl! Life is for living and you are going to do a lot more and a lot better! Just a little of life's wake up calls, that's all. We're with you here...thinking of you and sending all the healing energy we can muster!

    1. Thanks for all that positive energy! I might need a little coming up shortly. Yup, Doctors are absolutely amazing in that they can take a chunk of your brain, and you actually feel, sound and act better than ever. Scarey stuff ..but also miraculous! I know life is for living, but the worry part sure gets in the way!
      Now if I could come out of this drug euphoria a bit, I'ld be back in the game. Slow but Sure...Slow but Sure!

  6. Stopping in for a visit and it sounds like you need some healing prayers sent your way - hoping you are feeling better each day!

  7. I got your message, Deb, and I do have a doctor's appointment next week. My seizure happened almost 12 years ago and I haven't had one since, but we do keep an eye on it!

    Best of luck with everything you're going through right now. Say "hey" to the goats for me. :-)

    Greetings from Minneapolis,

