he definitely sounded like it when I got to his shelter. My little Toggenburg boy (Mr. Delicate) was screaming horribly. I jumped the fence snaggin my pants and ripping some skin. Fell to my knees and crawled into the building to find him laying OK but still screaming bloody murder. I had him with two of his Togg girls for all of this winter and recently decided it was time to move him to the boy pen. While my little fainter buck is smaller than him , my big Alpine is huge. The Alpine is the gentleman though,,the fainter...well...he always is the BOSS.
They were not bothering him these last few days,,but I think he had a case of lost love. I ran with him in my arms to the house and put him in front of the pellet stove. I gave him a dose of penicillium and put a small amount of sweet feed in front of him. The only other thing I had done with him when I moved him was to worm him with Ivermec. Within an hour he was standing and warming nicely. He felt like he had shriveled down to nothing in these last few days and I kept him in until he was walking around trying to escape his boundaries. He is alive and well...and to date now...EXTREMELY spoiled!!